This course is available in both English and Spanish. You will be able to change the language setting once you open the course.
Este curso está disponible en español. Podrás cambiar la configuración de idioma cuando abras el curso.
Our Optimizing Work/Life Balance course examines the five key areas of our daily lives that draw on our time and deplete our energy when not properly balanced. You will learn how to set boundaries around your work and cultivate your personal life by understanding the importance of protecting your personal time. This course is valuable watching for anyone who feels overwhelmed by a busy schedule. In it, you'll learn how to recognize which areas are getting the most of your time, and how to tell if they're out of balance with the people or things which truly bring you joy. This course features an engaging video with audio narration. It includes an accompanying student handbook for convenient reference and review.
- Align your schedule with your priorities
- Set boundaries between your personal life and work
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion
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