This course is available in both English and Spanish. You will be able to change the language setting once you open the course.
Este curso está disponible en español. Podrás cambiar la configuración de idioma cuando abras el curso.
First Aid: EpiPens and Allergic Reactions is an elearning course that shows you how to use EpiPens to treat mild to severe reactions. Some people react mildly to certain products or foods. Perhaps they're left with only a rash, or itching and hives. Others have serious reactions, like anaphylaxis, which if left untreated, can lead to death. How do you know if someone is experiencing anaphylaxis? What can cause it? What are EpiPens, and how do they work? That's what this program will teach you. This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.
- Recognize the signs of anaphylaxis
- Apply the correct usage of an EpiPen to treat allergic reactions
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion
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